Friday, August 1, 2014

I'm a Teacher!!!

I have a new job!!! I start working August 12th. I officially resigned as a teacher assistant yesterday. I'm happy to say that I will  be making an extra $1000-$1200 dollars a month (after taxes). This will help me get on my own feet and move out of my mom's house. 

Since I have so much debt thanks to having such a shitty job, I'm going to start paying off my credit card bill ASAP as well as my furniture bill. Paying off those two bills will save me nearly 2k a year. 

I hope to work on my car next. I got a new one (2014) with 70 notes to make. I'm hoping to eventually pay that off within 3 years. 

I will be making a new blog all about this soon. One journey ends and another begins...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Here We Go Again...

Well it is officially my summer break! I actually finished a whole school year at the same school. I was asked to come back next year, BUT I hope I do not have too. The more I was at this school, the more I saw how messy people are. I found out that one teacher was going behind my back and telling the principal every little thing I did. But the joke is on her because I was not fired or written up for the crap she said I did.

In April, I was offered a job as a teacher. As of now, I am being cautious because I haven't heard from this employer since. But from what I have heard, this is completely normal so I hope I get a call soon.

I'm excited for the summer. I will spend this time to focus on getting myself in shape. I feel like a blob.

Until next time,


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's Official!

I am now a certified teacher! They issued my license today! I am on cloud nine. All my hard work has finally paid off. As of next year, I will no longer be bossed around by other teachers. I will have my very own classroom.

The Lord has truly blessed me.

Now it's time to truly focus on me. It's time to work on physical and mental health. It's time to hit the gym and start meditating once again. It's gonna be an interesting couple of months.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

So Many Changes...

Well I am still at my job. I don't care for it but it is much better. I took my PRAXIS I the end of August and passed both the Reading and Writing but failed the Math. I took the Math again a week ago and passed.

So unofficially, I will be getting my teacher's license. Right now I am waiting on the results to come in. I am excited but a little nervous. Although my mom wants me to look for a job now, I would rather wait until everything becomes official.

In other news, I ran into the teacher assistant I was working with at the other school and she said that people are pretty much miserable there. The CNA I couldn't stand has the kid I was caring for and he continues to ask for me. HA! How ironic...

I would say things are looking up but I don't want to jinx it.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Never Gonna Believe This Shit

I've been transferred. Again. This means I'm pretty much one step out of the door. This is the last straw for me. I'm definitely going to start looking for a job all the while trying to become certified. This has been too much. So here's what went down:

My principal called me in and said that a child from the school was transferred to another school. Well the lady who was suppose to be her TA has been at the school the longest and has a child at the school, so they decided to give her my position and have ME transfer.

What the hell?

This really pissed me off because her child can also transfer with her. It's not as if she has to keep her child at that school. But this time, a scare of being let go is becoming all too real. My mom wants me to attend a job fair coming up but I can't just take off like that. But I'll definitely be looking elsewhere.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Last Year... Hopefully

So I only have 9  more days of summer vacation before I am back at work. I am honestly not ready to go back into the drama-filled job right now. I prefer to be drama-free.

I do believe this is my last year. I can't imagine coming back after May 2014. I'll have my 1 1/2 years in next month and my 2 years in February. I am determined not to spend the rest of my life working at this place where I can't even afford to pay my student loan bills. I'm an education woman and this is not the job for me.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Two More Weeks/ Possible Pay Cut

In two weeks I'll be back at work. Ugh. Unfortunately, I did not apply to any other jobs this summer. This month has been the most stressful month ever! Obviously I'm not ready to go to work, but other factors have also been weighing in.

Looks like there have been some job cuts in my school district. So far it's only been the "higher ups" but it may go down to my level. So although I was told my job would be fine, now I'm not so sure.

In other news, I've went to the district's website yesterday and I found what looked to be different salaries for teachers and teacher assistants from last year. If it is true then my salary would be taking an $800 pay cut.

I would be bringing home $80-$100 less a month. If this is true, I would definitely have to look for another job because my bills already takes half of my paycheck. I can't afford to lose money.

I hope I'm wrong. I'm sure others will have questions when we return for the school year.