Sunday, January 27, 2013

Here we go again?

It's been nearly a year since I issued an update. Well, I found out Friday that due to budget cuts, my job will be transferred to a new elementary school. I was in absolute shock when the principal broke the news to me. But I had a feeling something was wrong considering the way my teacher was looking at me (he broke the news to her first).

I will start at my new location on February 4th. I've only been to this school once and that was only to eat lunch in another teacher's room for winter conference. 

I guess this is a sign that it is time to start the job search again. Things have changed since I started this blog. I'm now in a relationship and although we live only two hours apart, I would hate to move further away. But unfortunately, my state only has jobs that are low in salary and I refuse to take yet another job where I cannot afford to pay decent rent. 

I made a promise to myself that I would be out of my mother's house by August and I plan to keep it. So here we go...

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