Since I was having no luck in finding a job, a church member of mine told me I should teach. Teach? Really? Yeah.. Since I have so much pressure of me to find a job, I decided to apply to be a substitute teacher in my district. Two days ago, I had to go to a substitute workshop where I had to be finger printed and listen to a retired teacher explain the rules and regulations to substitute teaching. After about 20 minutes, I was allowed to leave since I had a college degree and would not have to take a test.
Four hours later I got a phone call from the retired teacher saying she forgot to send me to be interviewed by the district administrator (Yikes!). I've only been interviewed once and that was for an internship -- which I did not get, so I was nervous. But I did well. As a matter of fact, the DA told me "Well, I don't need to tell you you passed the interview." *laughs*
I should be receiving calls within the next month. I was all for it until I went on Pro Teacher and read horror stories of substitute teaching. Will I be able to handle it? Should I still do it? What if I mess up?
There were also stories of those who've barely been called and are struggling financial wise because of it. It makes me wonder is it worth it.
For some reason, I decided to go on the school district's website and I saw two schools currently looking for a teacher's assistant. I've already turned in a teacher assistant application months ago, so all I have to do is pay a visit to the schools.
I honestly do not know what to do at this point. I am now being pressured to go for my teacher's certification! Yikes! My mom is already trying to borrow books from a fellow church member. I believe 2012 will be an interesting year.
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