Saturday, October 5, 2013

So Many Changes...

Well I am still at my job. I don't care for it but it is much better. I took my PRAXIS I the end of August and passed both the Reading and Writing but failed the Math. I took the Math again a week ago and passed.

So unofficially, I will be getting my teacher's license. Right now I am waiting on the results to come in. I am excited but a little nervous. Although my mom wants me to look for a job now, I would rather wait until everything becomes official.

In other news, I ran into the teacher assistant I was working with at the other school and she said that people are pretty much miserable there. The CNA I couldn't stand has the kid I was caring for and he continues to ask for me. HA! How ironic...

I would say things are looking up but I don't want to jinx it.

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