Saturday, February 4, 2012

First Day As a Substitute Teacher.

Yesterday was... interesting. I am still recovering. I have to say it wasn't that bad. It did get a bit insane. I was warned not to work in junior high, but now I know not to listen to people anymore when it comes to negativity.  So here's the story...

I woke up around 6am. I already had my clothes out for the day to not waste any time --- the teacher told me I had to be there at 7. Anyways, I was out of the door by 6:30. Unfortunately, it was cold, rainy, and dark so I could barely see a thing. When I got to the school, I turned into the first entrance I saw. A guy directing traffic stopped me and said "Are you trying to get a ticket?". Turns out I went in through the exit instead of the entrance. I asked him how to get to the entrance and he told me I had to turn around and go out. Yeah right... I went in and found a parking spot. There were plenty to choose from.

I entered the building through the library and asked a lady how to get to the office. She was nice and told me it was on my left. When I went in, people were still getting things straight for the day, but it didn't stop a lady for helping me. I told her I came here to substitute and one of the first things she gave me were a stack of write-ups for students. I nearly panicked. Were the children that bad?  Finally the secretary that was suppose to help me came in, and after the dealing with her business for 10 mins, she called me to her office. I had to sign a paper as well as my sub ID number (I didn't know I had one) to get paid. She showed me the break room for coffee with directions to the room, on my way I went.

From the teacher's instructions, there were 7 periods in all, I only work 6 getting 5th period off. I have the same kids for 2 periods, so basically I have 3 classes.

The 1st and 2nd period were a hoot. You could tell they didn't respect me like they did their teacher. I had to keep calling a neighboring teacher to shut them up. I eventually had to write up one of the students for refusing to do his work.

3rd and 4th period were the crazy ones. None of them finished their work and instead talked and got on the internet. Then it went bad. One of the kids went into the other teacher's room and next thing the other teacher knows, a girl is coming up to her telling her that that kid touched her in between her legs. She immediately sent him to the office, but the child was not reprehended. That's pretty sad.

5th period (my off period), I went to get more coffee because from what I heard from both teachers, the 6th and 7th period were the ones with the reputation of being the bad class. Surprise surprise... they were the best of the bunch. I didn't have them long since there was a Superbowl party. Some students were not allowed to go but eventually did. By 2:20, my day was over. I talked to the teacher to tell her what happened, said my goodbyes to the neighboring teacher and left the school.

I was completely exhausted. I took a 5 hour nap and then went back to sleep for the rest of the night three hours after I woke. My muscles are still aching. But I enjoyed myself. I may have to do this a few more times before I make a decision.

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