Monday, May 6, 2013

Please Hurry Up, Summer!

I really don't know what to say.

Many teacher assistants found out they were out of a job today. 

I was not one of them.

The energy at work was somber. The weather today fit perfectly.

A few assistants I know are planning on quitting as well as a few teachers. I found out today that some teachers will also be losing their jobs. 

The guardian of the handicapped child I work with had some complaints about me. Most of them were silly. One was that I should clean the child's wheelchair. Uh... no. That's not my job. A second complaint was that the child is coming home with crumbs in his shirt. This I know is untrue because he wears a bib until the end of school. 

I've been working with this child for over two months. It looks pretty silly on the relative's part to suddenly start complaining now. I have 3 weeks (14 work days) until summer. 

It cannot come soon enough. 

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