Tuesday, November 26, 2013

It's Official!

I am now a certified teacher! They issued my license today! I am on cloud nine. All my hard work has finally paid off. As of next year, I will no longer be bossed around by other teachers. I will have my very own classroom.

The Lord has truly blessed me.

Now it's time to truly focus on me. It's time to work on physical and mental health. It's time to hit the gym and start meditating once again. It's gonna be an interesting couple of months.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

So Many Changes...

Well I am still at my job. I don't care for it but it is much better. I took my PRAXIS I the end of August and passed both the Reading and Writing but failed the Math. I took the Math again a week ago and passed.

So unofficially, I will be getting my teacher's license. Right now I am waiting on the results to come in. I am excited but a little nervous. Although my mom wants me to look for a job now, I would rather wait until everything becomes official.

In other news, I ran into the teacher assistant I was working with at the other school and she said that people are pretty much miserable there. The CNA I couldn't stand has the kid I was caring for and he continues to ask for me. HA! How ironic...

I would say things are looking up but I don't want to jinx it.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Never Gonna Believe This Shit

I've been transferred. Again. This means I'm pretty much one step out of the door. This is the last straw for me. I'm definitely going to start looking for a job all the while trying to become certified. This has been too much. So here's what went down:

My principal called me in and said that a child from the school was transferred to another school. Well the lady who was suppose to be her TA has been at the school the longest and has a child at the school, so they decided to give her my position and have ME transfer.

What the hell?

This really pissed me off because her child can also transfer with her. It's not as if she has to keep her child at that school. But this time, a scare of being let go is becoming all too real. My mom wants me to attend a job fair coming up but I can't just take off like that. But I'll definitely be looking elsewhere.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Last Year... Hopefully

So I only have 9  more days of summer vacation before I am back at work. I am honestly not ready to go back into the drama-filled job right now. I prefer to be drama-free.

I do believe this is my last year. I can't imagine coming back after May 2014. I'll have my 1 1/2 years in next month and my 2 years in February. I am determined not to spend the rest of my life working at this place where I can't even afford to pay my student loan bills. I'm an education woman and this is not the job for me.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Two More Weeks/ Possible Pay Cut

In two weeks I'll be back at work. Ugh. Unfortunately, I did not apply to any other jobs this summer. This month has been the most stressful month ever! Obviously I'm not ready to go to work, but other factors have also been weighing in.

Looks like there have been some job cuts in my school district. So far it's only been the "higher ups" but it may go down to my level. So although I was told my job would be fine, now I'm not so sure.

In other news, I've went to the district's website yesterday and I found what looked to be different salaries for teachers and teacher assistants from last year. If it is true then my salary would be taking an $800 pay cut.

I would be bringing home $80-$100 less a month. If this is true, I would definitely have to look for another job because my bills already takes half of my paycheck. I can't afford to lose money.

I hope I'm wrong. I'm sure others will have questions when we return for the school year.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Yay Summer!

It's been a week since I started my summer vacation. It's boring but relaxing. I am undecided as to whether or not I should look for a new job. Not because I don't want too, but because I'm so close to getting my teacher certification, I'm not sure it would be best to switch to a completely different occupation. But who knows?

All I know is that I'm tired of making below minimum wage. It's one of the reasons I believe my relationship suffered. My ex was making good money and I was making 10k less. The fact we made it to 8 months was a miracle.

Oh well. I guess only time will tell.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Transferred Again

While in class, I was called to the principal's office. I sat down and the first thing she told me that it was nothing bad. I made a sigh of relief. She told me there had been a situation and I was going to move to a different classroom. I would be with two sixth graders to help them move and take them to the bathroom (no diapers!) and I would be with a kindergartner for academics.

I was stunned. As happy as I was, I wanted to know exactly what was the situation. I was about to ask her, but I decided it was best to keep my mouth shut. 

Friday I started my new assignment. It keep me busy from the time I stepped into the school until I left. I wasn't able to use the bathroom until after 3 P.M. But it was a heck of a lot better than changing diapers twice a day. 

As for the kid I was looking at, his new assistant was the girl who was with the sixth graders and the kindergarten. Like I said, I don't know the situation. Hopefully it will come to light soon. 

I want to feel sorry for the girl. Changing diapers is no easy task. But my mom said, "No one felt sorry for you when you had to change diapers!" 

She's right. 

Next week will be my final week before summer break. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

I Felt Like Shit

I have some fantastic news, but first let me share what happened to me on Wednesday. A student in my kid's class crapped himself right before we were to take him to the bus. His assistant had already left due to a meeting with her child's teacher. Well the teacher took him down to the front and went back to the classroom to find wipes and etc.. to clean him up. She hands some items over to a nurse assistant and then hands me gloves saying "No, you got to help her." Wow... I was stunned. This kid wasn't even mine to take care of. It gave me the impression how she really think of assistants.

Swallowing my anger, I went and cleaned the boy up with the nurse assistant  There was feces everywhere. I never thought in my life I would be doing something as disgusting is this. It really brought down my spirit.

But I have FANTASTIC news! I passed the Praxis II! I only have to pass the Praxis I and I'll be a certified teacher! This was really an encouragement. I got so paranoid that I wasn't sure I pushed "cancel scores" or "report scores" so I had to call the test administers. Luckily, they said since I saw my score, I probably did push "report scores" but on the safe side, it was best to write them an email to have them reinstated if they were.

My mind is on overload right now. :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Please Hurry Up, Summer!

I really don't know what to say.

Many teacher assistants found out they were out of a job today. 

I was not one of them.

The energy at work was somber. The weather today fit perfectly.

A few assistants I know are planning on quitting as well as a few teachers. I found out today that some teachers will also be losing their jobs. 

The guardian of the handicapped child I work with had some complaints about me. Most of them were silly. One was that I should clean the child's wheelchair. Uh... no. That's not my job. A second complaint was that the child is coming home with crumbs in his shirt. This I know is untrue because he wears a bib until the end of school. 

I've been working with this child for over two months. It looks pretty silly on the relative's part to suddenly start complaining now. I have 3 weeks (14 work days) until summer. 

It cannot come soon enough. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Job Is Wearing Me Down Mentally

Last week my boss wrote me up. It was over the stupidest shit. It the reprimand, my boss made it all dramatic and it was nothing but. Unfortunately, my boss made a lot of mistakes in the reprimand and even put the wrong day in question down as to when these incidents happened. I wrote a response that stated that I was 40 miles away on the day in question. On Friday, I returned it and when the mistake was realized, I was told I would be called in again later.


I have never been written up before. With this along with everything going on in my personal life is taking a toll on me.

I have less than a month before summer vacation. I hope I can make it without going off on someone.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Job is on the line

Sorry I haven't been on in so long. But I found out some horrible news. In order for the school to avoid a deficit, they are cutting salaries and jobs. I found out yesterday that all the librarian assistants will not be coming back next year. I read in the newspaper that the superintendent wants to cut all teacher assistants as well.

I'm sick to my stomach. Although I'm not really fond of my job, it's what pays the bills. I'm at a lost as to what to do.

Jobs are scarce where I live. Most of them are minimum wage and it sucks. Like I said, if I could turn back time, I would have picked a different major. All this heart break and heart ache over being an English major.

Sucks big time.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


One of my aunts that moved to Atlanta told me that it is hard to find a job there unless I live there. That really brought me down because I'm so ready to leave the state I'm in. I applied for two jobs and got an email rejection from one and is waiting on the decision of the other. They are the same job but in two different cities. I applied for them the same day.

My job is becoming worse and worse. The drama has become ridiculous. It's becoming a toxic environment to work into. I have talked to other assistants at my job and many of them are planning on leaving after the year is over. I honestly hope I can find a job within 5 months.

My mom wants me to take the Praxis tests and become a certified teacher. It's not something I want to do because that is not where my passion is. The education system is going down the toilet and everyone will pay the price.

Soon there will be charter schools and the assistant principal told us that a teacher's retirement may be affected. Why should I get into a field knowing my retirement may be affected in the process.

I honestly want to give up. My life is not going the way I want it too. I'm 24 and I'm still living at home with a dead end job. If only I didn't switch majors this would not have happened.

I have now learned the lesson that it's best to get in a career what makes you money, not what you are passionate about.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


The job I've been waiting to hear from has filled their position. I've been looking and I feel as if there are NO jobs out there for me. I feel like I'll be stuck being a caregiver for the rest of my life. I need to realize that I only just started the process again and I have until August to find somewhere else. It took me about 6 months to find my current job. I have to stop believing that I'll get another job sooner  because I have work experience.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


So as of yesterday, I have made $3.75 using InboxDollars. When I activated my account, I immediately received 5 bucks. Adding that to what I did make, I have $8.75. That's not bad. A friend that referred me to InboxDollars has made 37 bucks using it off an on. At this point, any money is good money. I would love to make a living online, but I know I have to have the right resources and time to do so. Maybe when I can find a better job, I can focus on making it more than residual income.

If anyone is interested click HERE to join.

Although trying to make money online is fun, I am still focused on finding a better job. So far nothing...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Make Money Online?

Since I am currently looking for a job, I told myself that I might as well try to make some money online. I can  barely make ends meat so it wouldn't hurt to make an extra couple of bucks for awhile. I have a friend that's sending me a link to Inbox Dollars. I think I tried them before but nothing ever came of it. It doesn't hurt to try again so why not.

I may start chronicling my journey trying to make money online as well as finding a normal paying job. I guess we'll see how it goes, huh?

One Job A Dud

I called a job I applied for two weeks ago, and I was told they never had any openings but were accepting applications. Great... I wasted my time on this job for nothing. That only leaves one job I haven't heard from and to be honest, I'll probably get a rejection letter from them soon or nothing at all.

I have two aunts that are living in Atlanta, GA and two more will be moving there soon. The two living there are already looking out for me and nothing so far.

So far I have until August to find a new job. That is the time I want to move out of my mom's house and when the new school year starts.

I feel like it's harder to look for a job employed than unemployed.

I just hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Transferred Out Of Classroom To Another

So when I last updated this blog, I was working with six handicapped children. Well, a couple of weeks ago,  my boss transferred me to work one-on-one with another handicapped child. Unfortunately, the situation at work has gotten worse. Not only with me, but with another assistant I am working with. On Friday she was reduced to tears.

The situation will not get better. I know that for a fact. I've talked to other assistants and they are making this their last year unless things changed. The teacher I am currently working with is also thinking of putting in her resignation. I know one teacher for a  fact is leaving. I wonder how long it will be before someone snaps...

In other news, I am single. I'm still trying to get over the heartbreak. The only way I can see this as positive is the fact I am saving money. No more 2 hour trips twice a month as well as 'lovey dovey' presents.

I have officially started back job hunting and I already received a rejection letter in the mail. Now that I have job experience, I'm hoping something will pop up.

Friday, February 8, 2013

A Week of Insanity

I started at the new school on Monday and let's just say I really miss my old school. First of all, I assumed I would be working with children who have learning disabilities  Oh no.... I got there and found out I was working with handicapped children. It is six in all and out of the six, only two can walk and two can stand. I was told by the principal that it was my job to feed them, clean up after them, watch them carefully because of seizures, and change their diapers. Yep.... diapers.

I am no nurse assistant or caregiver. This should not have been my job. Today, my teacher and I were trying to change a kid and the kid kicked her in the face and she ended up with a swollen nose and whiplash. I was ready to put in my resignation at that point.

I feel like I've been demoted. I went from teaching children to changing diapers. I told myself I would wait until the end of the school year to find a job, but because of this and the fact it's becoming bad on my back (the kids I lift are between the ages of 7-14 AKA very heavy) it's time to re-start the search.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Here we go again?

It's been nearly a year since I issued an update. Well, I found out Friday that due to budget cuts, my job will be transferred to a new elementary school. I was in absolute shock when the principal broke the news to me. But I had a feeling something was wrong considering the way my teacher was looking at me (he broke the news to her first).

I will start at my new location on February 4th. I've only been to this school once and that was only to eat lunch in another teacher's room for winter conference. 

I guess this is a sign that it is time to start the job search again. Things have changed since I started this blog. I'm now in a relationship and although we live only two hours apart, I would hate to move further away. But unfortunately, my state only has jobs that are low in salary and I refuse to take yet another job where I cannot afford to pay decent rent. 

I made a promise to myself that I would be out of my mother's house by August and I plan to keep it. So here we go...